This photographer leaves the profession after 15 years

He says goodbye with a photobook with which he says to escape from the prison of Photography.

His name is Olmo González and with almost 40 years he has decided to leave the profession as a photographer. Among the reasons that he himself tells in the video that he has released, several operations and steps through the hospital as well as the impossibility of dedicating himself fully to his profession, incompatible with having responsibilities such as fatherhood.

He claims to want to turn the page and claims to make him aware of freeing himself from Photography with capital letters. To do this, he says goodbye with a photobook called La surrender that summarizes his last years of work and that, according to this Madrid photographer, can also serve to follow in his own footsteps and escape from what he calls prison of Photography:

“I want to say goodbye leaving something that serves others, a photobook that summarizes the steps I have followed these years to free myself from Photography with capital letters, that for me it has been a prison and I think it continues to be so for many people. «

The book that he intends to publish by way of farewell is in the midst of a funding campaign on the Verkami crowdfunding platform, and already has about 30% of the target: 

Among the influences cited by this photographer are the National Photography Prize, Cristina de Middel, Cristóbal Hara and Julián Barón. To produce the book, this photographer has had the help of the designer Jaime Narváez, the La Troupe studio and the Artes Gráficas Palermo printing company, as well as help for the creation of the Community of Madrid.

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